Join the conversation on [Discord]( ## Introduction Consider the personal data you divulge and its dependencies when you send $10 to Anna through traditional banking infrastructure. The process involves authentication via phone, possibly using face recognition or an OTP, linked to a phone line activated with your passport or national ID. You log into an app, approved by a bank that has verified your identity, employment, and address, and uploaded such an app on a marketplace that knows everything you do 24/7. Proving your address might involve submitting a utility bill. If you're renting an apartment, you've already disclosed extensive personal information to the agent, the owner, and possibly other government authorities. Employment verification requires educational certificates, potentially authenticated by your embassy if you live in a country that speaks a language other than your native one. Banks perform KYC and AML checks before you can even use their internet banking to make a transfer. Limits on the amount you can transfer vary from country to country. Sending $10 to Anna is the tip of an iceberg built over years in an almost inescapable way. Not only are the current financial and economic systems inefficient, but they are impossible to revert to frictionless. Each step has made the process more complex. This flawed system cannot be mended. The UBI [[Borderless Nation]] is parallel to the current system and never crosses paths with it. The [[24-hours time-based Universal Basic Income (UBI)]] requires no identification or verification. It is a [[Time]] gift for every human being. Help us grow with [[Donations]]. In this [[Manifesto]], you will learn: - Why government-sponsored [[Universal Basic Income (UBI)]] will never work. - Why a [[24-hours time-based Universal Basic Income (UBI)]] is the solution. - How to become a national of the UBI [[Borderless Nation]]. - How our system of authentication renders [[Password Obsolescence]]. - The idea of a [[Dual Currency System]] as a "soft" social score. - The concept of a self-regulated decentralized infrastructure ## UBI Feasibility This manifesto presents the only [[Universal Basic Income (UBI)]] model that is financially viable. You might be thinking, "UBI isn't feasible." I understand this skepticism because I once shared it, with one important distinction: government-sponsored UBI is impossible. I agree that a UBI funded by the government is doomed to fail. Taking money from taxpayers to fund the salary of an inactive workforce is unfair and makes no business sense. That is why this [[24-hours time-based Universal Basic Income (UBI)]] is given freely to all virtual nationals of the [[Borderless Nation]]. Now that we've addressed the elephant in the room, let's explore the only UBI approach that has the potential to work. ## Time: A Renewable Resource This [[Universal Basic Income (UBI)]] is linked to the only resource that has replenished daily since humans have existed: [[Time]]. Think about it. No human has ever experienced a day with a duration significantly different from others. Some civilizations divided the day into parts other than the 24 hours we use now, but practically every human being who has ever existed knew what midday meant: It's when the sun is directly overhead. And the next day, it will be there again. This is the only certainty we have about the passage of time: we know exactly when the sun will be once again directly overhead: 24 hours later. This is our [[24-hours time-based Universal Basic Income (UBI)]]: 24 hours made up of 60 minutes each, made up of 60 seconds each. ## Why Not Money? Money is an artificial abstraction representing both tangible and perceived value. Its scarcity or abundance varies among individuals due to numerous factors. Money exists in various denominations and formats throughout the world and history. While technically limited in supply, money can be minted and printed at will, leading to oversupply and inflation. It also exerts a psychological influence, creating emotional attachments. Those attached to money often oppose the idea of increased government taxes to fund a [[Universal Basic Income (UBI)]] for the financially disadvantaged. ## Abundance: Time Is a Gift Your [[24-hours time-based Universal Basic Income (UBI)]] is credited daily at midnight to your [[Current Account]], based on your time zone. Your [[24-hours time-based Universal Basic Income (UBI)]] cannot be carried over to the next day. You have 24 hours to utilize it, or lose it. Your [[24-hours time-based Universal Basic Income (UBI)]] does not consume itself. However, if you don't spend any of the 24 hours allocated daily, you lose all of them. Whatever amount of hours, minutes, or seconds you spend is permanently transferred to someone else's [[Savings Account]]. Any unspent amount is permanently deleted at 23:59:59 on the same day. But one second later—at the start of the next day—your [[Current Account]] is replenished with 24 brand new hours, divided into minutes and seconds, for you to utilize by 23:59:59 of that day. And so on. Every day. Forever. For free. ## Security: An Old Paradigm This paradigm shift may leave readers puzzled. In a [[24-hours time-based Universal Basic Income (UBI)]] system where the currency is freely and daily provided, security becomes less about the paranoia of losing value. We've been conditioned to see security as essential, willingly ceding control over our safety to institutions and organizations because our money is considered a limited resource that, once lost, cannot be recovered or replenished. Imagine a world devoid of usernames and passwords held in third-party custody. Our authentication system is based on an [[Identification Line]] and a [[Transaction Line]]. This groundbreaking system brings about [[Password Obsolescence]]. ## Profit: The Inception of All Ideas It's likely that every idea you've encountered today, this week, month, or year had profit embedded in its inception. Open-source initiatives have become increasingly scarce, now that the subscription model and monetary incentives are the foundation of many innovations. Our society often conceives ideas linked to monetization plans. However, our [[24-hours time-based Universal Basic Income (UBI)]] is a rare exception in this profit-driven society. From life-saving medicines to groundbreaking technological innovations, profit is often the primary motivator. Profit isn't inherently bad; it generates wealth and, for some, happiness. But the philosophical shift we propose is a return to free technology that can benefit all of humanity, as HTTP did decades ago. If you embrace this revolution, you'll never have to worry about basic needs again. You have time. This is the vision of our [[Borderless Nation]]. ## "Soft" Social Score The concept of a social score is daunting, reminiscent of government schemes to monitor and control behavior. Our UBI's "soft" social score is drastically different. It's a simple, self-regulated system to describe the quality of transactions for each national of the [[Borderless Nation]], allowing others to decide whether they want to interact with other citizens. When transferring [[Time]] from your [[Current Account]] to someone else's [[Savings Account]], you have the option to send [[🟦 Blue Time (BT)]] or [[🟥 Red Time (RT)]]. You can think of them as Good and Bad, but we discourage that classification. Look at them as just two different colors. This enables citizens, especially service providers or sellers, to accept or reject their clients based on the type of [[Time]] they offer: [[🟦 Blue Time (BT)]], [[🟥 Red Time (RT)]], or a combination of both. Over time, each citizen will organically build their "soft" social score, free from growth hacks or manipulation. ## Decentralized Infrastructure The [[Borderless Nation]]'s [[24-hours time-based Universal Basic Income (UBI)]] is deposited into a virtual [[Current Account]] but can be accessed through a physical [[Pocket]], a handheld device used within the [[Universal Basic Income (UBI)]] ecosystem. Nationals of the [[Borderless Nation]] can use their [[Pocket]] offline to interact with other nationals. The [[Pocket]] is activated with the [[Identification Line]], and transactions are signed with the [[Transaction Line]]. Both [[Pocket]]s involved in a transaction store the data locally before being synchronized with the corresponding [[Shelf-Top]] decentralized device. This guarantees a self-regulated, fraud-free, decentralized transaction system that does not require any third-party validation.